Predictions that larger-screened iPhones would cannibalise iPad usage look to be confirmed by some stats from the Pocket app that allows you to save webpages, videos and other content for reading later.

Pocket reported in a blog post today that while 55% of owners of the iPhone 5s viewed content on their phone rather than iPad, the number leapt to 72% for the iPhone 6 and 80% for the iPhone 6 Plus …

iPhone 6 owners used their iPads significantly less than owners of smaller iPhones, suggesting that they are leaving their iPad at home more of the time.

Pocket said that switching to a larger-screen phone also meant owners read and watched far more content than those with smaller phones – a third more for iPhone 6 owners, and almost two-thirds more for the 6 Plus.

The bigger your phone is, the less you’re going to use your iPad. Users with an iPhone 6 now read on their tablets 19% less during the week and 27% less over the weekend. Those with a 6 Plus are on their tablets 31% less during the week and 36% less over the weekend.

The one place where the iPad continued to remain unchallenged, however, was after 9pm, suggesting that the iPad remains the device of choice for the sofa and when reading in bed.

iPad sales have been slowing since Apple’s fiscal quarter 2. Apple makes more money from iPhone sales than from iPads, meaning that while an existing iPhone owner deciding they don’t need an iPad is bad news, a new customer deciding to buy an iPhone instead of an iPad is good news.

Via Quartz