Even though Power Rangers 2017 is a fresh, modern take, it still pays tribute to its origins, not least with cameos from Amy Jo Johnson (the original Pink Ranger) and Jason David Frank, who played the Green Ranger since 1993. The Green Ranger is one of the most popular Rangers of all, and Frank’s portrayal has earned him a legion of fans, so it was only fitting to see him included in some way.

Recently, Frank shared a photo on Instagram of his cameo appearance, and now he’s also uploaded a video of his experience on set which can be seen, above.

There are three segments to the video, each available online, but the third installment holds the most detail about the actual filming of his scene. Johnson is also featured in the footage, since she was filming at the same time, and there are also appearances from RJ Cyler (Blue Ranger) and Dacre Montgomery (Red Ranger). It’s an interesting look at what takes place behind the scenes, but perhaps what stands out most of all, is how much Frank wants to be involved in this reboot.

It will be interesting, then, to see whether Frank appears in any more sequels going forward, especially since a Power Rangers mid-credits scene hints at the appearance of Tommy Oliver in the second installment. At present, nothing is really known about how the Green Ranger will be worked into the group. There’s even debate among the cast over whether the character should be female. While it balances out the gender within the Rangers - three guys, three girls - that scenario could potentially cause a lot of controversy among franchise purists.

As for Frank himself, he says the gender of the Green Ranger is Saban’s call, and he has faith that they’ll will get it right. Rightly stating, that gender and color doesn’t matter, Frank adds that when you’re in that suit, you’re a superhero no matter what. Frank’s faith in Saban and Power Rangers is admirable, both in his video and in his comments regarding the Green Ranger. Let’s hope that future cameos are on the cards for Frank in at least some of the five Power Rangers movies planned.

Source: JDFFFN

Next: Power Rangers: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About the Green Ranger