Postmates Signup Bonus

You can sign up to work with Postmates now with the official referral code that guarantees earnings of up to $1000. This doesn’t mean you will be paid extra cash, but it guarantees earnings of between $250 and $1000 if you complete a stipulated number of deliveries. The average number of deliveries required per month by Postmates is between 15 to 100 deliveries depending on your city. For drivers in Athens, you can make up to a $350 bonus per 45 deliveries.

How do I get the Postmates Signup Bonus?

Sign up! Simply sign up as a Postmates driver today to receive your bonus. Fill out the form( Gmail and a new account password will be required) to create your driver’s account. Basic personal information is required here and also mode of delivery.

• Your name( First and last)

• Contact number

• City where you’ll operate

• Vehicle type(You can change this anytime on the app)

• Referral code

• Your Address (To receive the welcome kit)

• Postmates fleet agreement 

What Do I Need To Become A Driver?

• Approved driver’s license

• Must be 18 years or older

• Smartphone

• Social security number(For background check) 

• Postmates Fleet delivery app

Vehicle Requirements

  There’s no vehicle inspection in the onboarding process to become a Postmates driver. Vehicle ownership is not a necessity for sign up. The following are your delivery method options;

• Scooter

• Bicycle

• Truck

• Car

• Or foot(Yes, you can be a walker delivery person)

Background Check

The background check is one very important step in becoming a Postmates driver. Your social security number is required for this step. The check ensures that intending drivers:

• Have no major traffic violation history

• Have no major accident history

• Have no criminal record

Download Postmates Fleet App

     Congratulations! If you’ve gotten to this stage and received approval as a Postmates driver, you may proceed to download the Postmates Fleet App. If you have any issues with using the app, please go through The Complete Guide To Postmates Fleet App for a broader understanding of downloading, installing, and using the app.

Some Other Cities And Estimated Bonus

Brooklyn- Up to $525 per 65 deliveriesPortland- Up to $1000 per 120 deliveriesAlbany- Up to $150 per 20 deliveriesAtlanta- Up to $400 per 50 deliveries


Becoming a Postmates driver is pretty easy. You can become a Postmates driver today by following the very easy steps discussed above. You can choose to work part-time or full-time depending on your schedule and you don’t even need to own a vehicle to start! You can get your sign-up referral bonus by using the referral code FL-eleonorap. Sign up today and begin earning.

What is the referral promo code?

The promo code is FL-eleonorap

How can I refer a friend to Postmates?

When a friend signs up with your referral link, your code will automatically be applied to them. They get a unique credit offer and you get one as well as soon as their order is completed.

How do I get my referral link?

You can get your link at

What are the Postmates peak hours?

Generally, postamates peak hours are at Lunch(11:30am-2pm) and Dinner(5:30pm-9pm)

How can I contact Postmates support?

Either as a Postmates driver or customer, Postmates support is always available to help. You can contact them through the in-app support features

Can I get promoted in Postmates?

No! All Postmates drivers are independent workers and the task is just to make deliveries.

Can drivers work in a different city from the one they signed up in?

Yes! Drivers can work in different cities from the one they signed up in. All you have to do is turn on your location, change your location settings in your device’s general settings and complete a delivery in the new city to see hot spots.

Do I need to tip?

No. You do not necessarily have to tip your Postamates driver but it’s not a bad idea to tip when you can.

How long does my driver’s approval take?

It takes between 3- 10 days to get approved. This is due to the comprehensive background checks.

Where can I monitor my application status?

You can monitor this in your Postmates Fleet Account.