People nowadays consider doing gig-based work, and Postmates is one of the growing food delivery service platforms that need Postmates or drivers. Postmates can usually earn around $25 per hour. So, if you also want to be a Postmates and consider Postmates as your work option, then you need to know the requirements to become a Postmates. This article will help you to know the requirements to become a driver for Postmates.

Postmates Requirements to Become A Postmates

It’s mandatory to know the requirements to become a Postmates before applying to check whether you meet Postmates’s criteria or not. Postmates requirements are very simple, so maybe you have already met them. So, here’s a checklist to know the requirements.

It’s mandatory to be at least 18 years old to become a PostmatesOne of the mandatory requirements to become a Postmates is to have a valid U. S. driver’s license. Another requirement is to have a valid Social Security numberIt’s compulsory to have a certified mailing addressThe main requirement is to live in a city where Postmates operates because if you apply to become a Postmates, but if it doesn’t serve your area or doesn’t operate in your area, then it’s no meaning, so it’s the main requirement to be in a city where Postmates serves. Upload a clear profile picture as demanded when filling out the form make sure the profile picture that you’re uploading must have a clear headshot of yours, and your face should be clear in the picture. To become a Postmates it’s mandatory to pass a background check. Postmates is very concerned about the background history, so your all hiring process depends on this. Postmates’ background check includes criminal record and driving record. If Postmates find any inappropriate thing while conducting your background checking, like violence, sexual assault, or drug offense then you’ll be rejected by Postmates, as Postmates is very concerned about the background checking.

Is a smartphone also a Postmates Requirement?

Every Postmates should have a smartphone because it is one of the very crucial requirements to have a smartphone. Postmates is not picky about the mobile phone, so you can have any. But if you have iPhone or Android will work also. Your mobile operating system must be efficient and compatible with using the Postmates fleet app. It must be Android 5.0, iOS 11, or any new mobile phone operating system. To check your mobile phone’s operating system, go to your mobile settings, and click about the device, you’ll see all details. Once you become approved to be a Postmates, download the Postmates Fleet app Google play store or App Store, via this app, Customers submit orders, and once you download as a Postmates you’ll be able to see all the orders to deliver.

Vehicle Requirement

Postmates car or vehicle requirements are easy to meet. Because you’ll not have any passengers on the vehicle, so you can use any vehicle to become a Postmates, such as Car, Van, Motorcycle, or electric scooter. One thing is to remember here that it is a must to own insurance and get registered with the vehicle you’ll be using to deliver orders. You’ll get deliveries based on your vehicle type, if you have a bike, then you’ll deliver lite items, but if you have a car and enough space, then you will deliver large orders. You can even deliver on a bike or foot in a few markets after becoming a Postmates.

What are the bank account requirements ?

The bank requirements are the last when you meet all the requirements. You’ll need a valid checking account with the bank. It’s required to have an account because all weekly payments will be sent to your checking account. You cannot use a PayPal or saving account to receive weekly payments from Postmates. You’ll need to submit all your bank account details and the routing number to get approved or verified.

What to do if you meet all the requirements to become a Postmates?

At last, you’ve met all the requirements to become a Postmates. Now the next thing is to sign up and start creating your Postmates account. Make sure to read the Fleet agreement before agreeing to the terms and conditions of employment. Then you will need to fill out the form and put all the necessary details like bank account information. Then you’ve to wait to get approved after a background check. Once you get approved, you’ll start to accept customer orders for deliveries.

Conclusion –

Postmates’ requirements are not that hard to meet it’s very flexible and efficient. You just have to be 18 years old, have valid insurance, and have a driver’s license. You don’t even need to have a special type of vehicle to get started, you can use a bike, motorcycle, or car, and even you can deliver on foot. Having a mobile is one of the main requirements that you need to meet to become a Postmates.

  1. Is it compulsory to be 18 years old to become a Postmates?

Yes, it is one of the mandatory requirements to be 18 years old to become a Postmates.

  1. Is it required to have a car to become a Postmates?

No, you can use any vehicle to get started as a Postmates.