What does no courier nearby message mean on Postmates?

The no courier nearby problem is more during odd hours, like between midnight and five AM and weekends because many people place orders on weekends. The no couriers nearby notification from Postmates means that there is no Postmate delivery agent available to deliver your order, meaning that you will have to wait longer for getting your order delivered to you or use any other alternative to get your order.

What can you do in such situations?

You can try these alternatives when you get this kind of notification from Postmates.

Waiting for a few minutes until someone is available to deliver your order. Changing the home delivery and picking up your order yourself by visiting the restaurant.

If these options are not feasible for you, then you should wait for some time until Postmates cancel your order. In this scenario, Postmates refund the delivery fees to you. If you cancel the order yourself, then Postmates charges you a cancellation fee.

After Postmates cancel your order, you can reorder on Postmates using its alternative service providers or choose to pick up your order yourself or reorder.

Can I get my order earlier if I increase the tip amount?

No, because Postmates delivery agents can’t check the tip amounts, so this method will not work. This way, Postmates ensures that all customers get equal treatment. Postmates delivery partners can only know the amount of the tip after they complete the delivery.

Canceling the order on Postmates

If you want to cancel the order on Postmates then you will have to pay a cancellation fee for this. The cancellation fee is charged according to the progress of your order, for instance, if the order is just placed and canceled within a few moments, then the cancellation fee will be less, while it will be more if the order is ready for pickup and it will be much more if the order is out for the delivery.

They charge the cancellation fee because Postmates had to invest their time on your order, and the restaurant now has to throw the food you ordered. Customers can check the status of their order on Postmates. This will help them decide whether they want to cancel the order or not. The customer is provided the cancellation charge estimates when they proceed with canceling the order.

You can follow these steps to cancel your order on Postmates:

Open the Postmates app or website wherever you placed your order. Then click the help button near your order. It will open a dialogue box where you can select cancel the order. After this, state the reason for canceling the order. After this, Postmates will ask you to submit the cancelation fees or if you are eligible for a refund, then it will offer you the refund amount within a few days. After all this, you can confirm the cancellation of your order by clicking the cancel delivery option.

Alternative options to Postmates.

A customer can use alternative services to Postmates when they do not like the way Postmates serves its clients. Delivery services like Grubhub, DoorDash, etc.

Grubhub is present in most areas of the U.S. and Canada serving more citizens across the U.S. and Canada. Grubhub has 30% of the market shares in the food delivery industry. And it is among the major food-delivery platforms in the U.S.

Second, comes Doordash, which has a 56% market share in the food delivery industry. Doordash had acquired caviar in October 2019. Doordash is the largest online food-ordering and delivering platform in the U.S. Customers dissatisfied with Postmates’ services can also try these options to order their food online. 


Many customers complain that they get no courier nearby messages from Postmates; however, this condition can be handled by individuals efficiently. But it becomes difficult to wait patiently when you are too hungry, or you can’t find other alternatives to order the food. Customers can use Grubhub and DoorDash if they wish to cancel their order on Postmates and place it on these platforms.

Q.1: What does no courier nearby mean on Postmates?

It means currently there are no delivery partners available to deliver your order.

Q.2: Will I get a complete refund if I cancel my order?

The cancellation charge depends on the progress of the order by the restaurant. If it’s not ready for delivery, then the customer will get a full refund for canceling the order.

Q.3: Can I track my order on Postmates?

Yes, it is possible to track the order through the Postmates app.

Q.4: Can the Postmates delivery agent see tip amounts?

No, they can only know the tip amount after completing the delivery.

title: “Postmates No Courier Nearby” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-23” author: “Maxine Abbott”

What does no courier nearby message mean on Postmates?

The no courier nearby problem is more during odd hours, like between midnight and five AM and weekends because many people place orders on weekends. The no couriers nearby notification from Postmates means that there is no Postmate delivery agent available to deliver your order, meaning that you will have to wait longer for getting your order delivered to you or use any other alternative to get your order.

What can you do in such situations?

You can try these alternatives when you get this kind of notification from Postmates.

Waiting for a few minutes until someone is available to deliver your order. Changing the home delivery and picking up your order yourself by visiting the restaurant.

If these options are not feasible for you, then you should wait for some time until Postmates cancel your order. In this scenario, Postmates refund the delivery fees to you. If you cancel the order yourself, then Postmates charges you a cancellation fee.

After Postmates cancel your order, you can reorder on Postmates using its alternative service providers or choose to pick up your order yourself or reorder.

Can I get my order earlier if I increase the tip amount?

No, because Postmates delivery agents can’t check the tip amounts, so this method will not work. This way, Postmates ensures that all customers get equal treatment. Postmates delivery partners can only know the amount of the tip after they complete the delivery.

Canceling the order on Postmates

If you want to cancel the order on Postmates then you will have to pay a cancellation fee for this. The cancellation fee is charged according to the progress of your order, for instance, if the order is just placed and canceled within a few moments, then the cancellation fee will be less, while it will be more if the order is ready for pickup and it will be much more if the order is out for the delivery.

They charge the cancellation fee because Postmates had to invest their time on your order, and the restaurant now has to throw the food you ordered. Customers can check the status of their order on Postmates. This will help them decide whether they want to cancel the order or not. The customer is provided the cancellation charge estimates when they proceed with canceling the order.

You can follow these steps to cancel your order on Postmates:

Open the Postmates app or website wherever you placed your order. Then click the help button near your order. It will open a dialogue box where you can select cancel the order. After this, state the reason for canceling the order. After this, Postmates will ask you to submit the cancelation fees or if you are eligible for a refund, then it will offer you the refund amount within a few days. After all this, you can confirm the cancellation of your order by clicking the cancel delivery option.

Alternative options to Postmates.

A customer can use alternative services to Postmates when they do not like the way Postmates serves its clients. Delivery services like Grubhub, DoorDash, etc.

Grubhub is present in most areas of the U.S. and Canada serving more citizens across the U.S. and Canada. Grubhub has 30% of the market shares in the food delivery industry. And it is among the major food-delivery platforms in the U.S.

Second, comes Doordash, which has a 56% market share in the food delivery industry. Doordash had acquired caviar in October 2019. Doordash is the largest online food-ordering and delivering platform in the U.S. Customers dissatisfied with Postmates’ services can also try these options to order their food online. 


Many customers complain that they get no courier nearby messages from Postmates; however, this condition can be handled by individuals efficiently. But it becomes difficult to wait patiently when you are too hungry, or you can’t find other alternatives to order the food. Customers can use Grubhub and DoorDash if they wish to cancel their order on Postmates and place it on these platforms.

Q.1: What does no courier nearby mean on Postmates?

It means currently there are no delivery partners available to deliver your order.

Q.2: Will I get a complete refund if I cancel my order?

The cancellation charge depends on the progress of the order by the restaurant. If it’s not ready for delivery, then the customer will get a full refund for canceling the order.

Q.3: Can I track my order on Postmates?

Yes, it is possible to track the order through the Postmates app.

Q.4: Can the Postmates delivery agent see tip amounts?

No, they can only know the tip amount after completing the delivery.