Post covid phase for ride-sharing is considered not to be safe due to the issue of sanitization and personal hygiene, since the virus spreads via communicable routes of Public transport,   I completely avoided by people as far as possible. The government also forced people to choose other routes for transportation during the worst-hit times of covid 19. So is it really safe to use ride-sharing?

The answer is no, we had came to the realization that health is the ultimate important thing in these times that people chose to spend more and try to be safe.  people spent on private cabs or personal v icles than to chose ride sharing. Even parents chose their kids not to travel by school bus instead of being dropped by themselves. This leads to huge traffic with huge pollution even on large roads these days.


Urbanization has led to a huge increase in the rid sharing of vehicles by multiple passengers.  In cities, ride-sharing was one of the main modes of transportation other than public transport  50 percent of the employed women use public transport as their main source since it was much cheaper and affordable for all.

Pre covid  era  ride  share  safety

Ride sharing was safer those days and more economical the only problem was  with theft and robbery since every coin has two sides. There was more of women’s safety issue while ride-sharing during extreme times.


Let’s take an example of China’s auto SALES  was  81.7 percent in February  2020,  which in May 2022  to  2.19  million which is around a 14.5 percent increase in sales. This was largely when people who are from high income tried to buy a car of affordable range, people of medium income buy a 2 wheeler and those who can’t go for both use their Colleagues’ cars for the same. 

Covid  era  ride  share  safety

Forget about ride-sharing,  even moving from one place to another is a  world war-like feeling during covid times.  Most people avoided traveling as much as they could except for those necessities like the grocery store and hospital.  Definitely, we could, later on, boast our survival stories to kids of the next generation.


The same 

The trend of  China applies to  India where most people are adjusted to their covid era transportation until now the fear of viruses and personal hygiene is so strongly built in their minds that they chose the same mode of transportation like private vehicles or ride-sharing with known people.

Post  covid  era  ride  share  safety

Covid is almost over it seems thanks to the vaccines and the relentless effort of the covid warriors,  post covid most people chose to continue their covid time protocols. Most of them are already settled with cars and two-wheelers, and they continue to do the same.


If proper sanitization is maintained by ride sharers like masks, and gloves ride-sharing can be done for the persons in need of it.   There  can  be  three possibilities for the  industry,

Slow  return   to  previous  normallyCollapseIncreased  adoption  of  used  vehicles

Things that can  be  done  to  increase   the  safety 

Well   these   are   some  suggestions for the  betterment  of ride-share safety

Proper sanitization is the key,  the vehicle must be properly sanitized with the standard protocols, government can encourage the vehicle owners by giving subsidies to increase sanitization.

For personal hygiene,  citizens must understand that they have the responsibility to maintain proper social distancing and wear masks and if possible the high-risk category people having health problems can go for gloves.

Car windows, or rather windows as such of  3 wheelers and   4 wheelers can be opened, air-conditioned cabs are not to be encouraged.

Providing masks to customers,  even if the masks era goes away ride-sharing owners or companies can stick to this custom.

Drivers  must  make  sure  that  they  wash  their  hands   frequently  and  follow  the  personal  hygiene  thoroughly

Install  barriers, plastic  sheets  or  plastic  barriers  can  be  installed  in  vehicles  

Disposable  covers  for  the  vehicle  seat  after  each passenger  


Hope for the best let’s hope that no more virus comes and hits the economy worst than covid did, but this is there in history where every  100  years there is either a Spanish flu, or a plague, and then SARS which finally lead to covid.  It can be the population control strategy done by the ultimate power of the universe. Anyways precaution is always better than cure, let’s be prepared with a cleanlier transportation system and practice public as well as personal hygiene.