Portland parking tickets are parking tickets issued in Portland for illegal parking of vehicles. Portland, being a highly populated city in Oregon, has more expensive parking ticket fines than less populated cities. Some of the fines include; a fine for abandoning a vehicle on the street, which is $285, and a fine for parking close to a fire hydrant which is $215.  

Parking violations and their tickets in Portland 

1. Handicapped Ramp

Drivers in Portland are prohibited from parking their vehicle before an ADA access ramp. Portland is presently installing these ramps around the city. You are expected not to use your vehicle to block an access ramp or else you will pay a fine. The fine is $215.

2. Prohibited time

There are some commercial corridors where you can’t park at certain hours of the day. The parking lane is changed to a travel lane to decongest traffic. These areas are usually known as pro-time regions. Parking your vehicle at a prohibited time subjects you to paying a fine and your vehicle may be towed as well. The fine is $95.

3. Truck loading Zone

A truck loading zone exists to assist local businesses with the unloading and loading of goods. At the allotted time for loading in the loading zone, the vehicles that are allowed to park in the zone are pick-up trucks, box trucks, or vehicles registered as vans. The company’s signage must be showcased on the two sides of the vehicle. They are also only allowed to park in the truck loading zone for just 30 minutes while they actively load and unload. The fine for violating this law is $95.

4. Abandoned Auto

Vehicles are only permitted to park on the street for a short period. This time must not exceed twenty-four hours, anything longer than that is considered vehicle abandonment or storage of property on the road. Vehicles that spend more than twenty-four hours on the right-of-way can be fined and towed away. Trailer, boats, and campers are included as well. The fine for committing this offense is $285.

5. Fire Hydrant

 Portland does not permit cars to park as close as 10 feet to a fire hydrant. It does not matter whether the fire hydrant is posted on a yellow curb or signpost, as long as it is in a particular location your car shouldn’t be parked near it. The fine for committing this offense is $215.

6. Reserved Zone

 Parking spaces are sometimes reserved for various reasons. At times like this, only vehicles that are authorized can park in such spaces. The specific days, dates, and times these spaces are reserved will be posted for public viewing. Parking your vehicle in a reserved space, subjects you to being fined or your vehicle being towed away. The fine for this violation is $85.

7. Area Permit 

Vehicles are not permitted to be parked in some residential areas for a time longer than the time limit for visitors, which is often posted. A vehicle that will stay longer than the time limits for visitors must have an area permit. Anyone whose vehicle lacks an area permit and spends more than the time limit for visitors in such an area may be fined. The fine is $85.

8. Wrong Way

When angle or parallel parking, you have to park your car in a way that it faces the direction of traffic. Riders can angle park their motorcycles in a space that is parallel. If you don’t park in the traffic’s direction you may pay a fine of $55.

9. No Parking at all 

Anywhere you see a yellow curb marking or a sign which says no parking, then you should not park there at all. Parking your car in such an area subjects you to paying a fine of $85.


Cities all over the US have parking rules and guidelines which they dutifully enforce. Portland is no exception. Just like many US highly populated cities, its parking tickets are more expensive than the parking tickets of less populated cities. If you are in Portland try not to waste your hard-earned money on parking fees. Take note of the parking violations in this article and try to avoid committing them.

  1. Does Portland issue parking tickets for parking in the disabled zone? 

Yes, they do. Your vehicle has to have a DMV disability plate that is authorized before you can be allowed to park in a disability zone. The fine for illegally parking in this zone is $165.

  1. Will I be issued a parking ticket in Portland if my registration has not been renewed? 

 Yes, you will. Your vehicle must have an updated permit or registration before you can legally park in the right-of-way at any public place in Portland. The fine for parking a car with an expired permit in Portland ranges from $70 to $145.