Daily publications are our daily bread, almost automatically, the first thing we do when we wake up is to  check our social networks, specifically Instagram. What is so fascinating (or addictive) about staying for  hours expecting the next update? Do we expect more than we stay for each post? 

Popular publications are those that for some particular reason cause a stir, a worldwide one, are the  ones that make media noise and provoke a topic of conversation.  

They range from political topics, pictures of celebrities, health news, etc. 

It is known that the live style achievement of a whole generation is defined by a “Popular post” on social  media that shows good-looking and abundant food, a lot of traveling, no work but photographing your  life, and a hot boyfriend. 

Today we will delve into those publications that caused a stir this year, to delve into nature, into the  reason for their fame. 

The photo with the most likes on Instagram is of an egg, with world record-breaking purposes, followed  by posts from Kardashians, Ariana Grande, Cristiano Ronaldo, The Rock’s wedding, etc. 

Following this thread, controversial events such as Will Smith’s slapping at the Oscars are those scandals  that have consequences as Chris Rock’s Stand Up selling out and Will losing big roles. 

Then there are the publications that carry a continuity. Such as the Amberd Heard and Johnny Deep  trial, a case so mediatic that it continues to echo today.  

It provoked daily tweets with people supporting their “team” so that after months of broadcasts of the  trial, it finally ended. 

Political Affairs 

Such was the case of the impact of the publications of the former ex-president of the United States:  Donald Trump. After inciting his followers to violence by invading the U.S. Capitol, the social network  Twitter ended up blocking his user. Those are the kind of popular posts that can change a nation,  literally. 

Another political issue that flooded the publications this year was Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Filling all the official media with constant Breaking News, with unfortunate situations of a war that has  been mediatized. 

In this case, the popular posts coming from the Russian population represented a threat to President  Vladimir Putin, so he banned all media. 

With a view, a like, or a share you’re financing the rent house of your favorite influencer. 

Important Health Issues

As we are tired of hearing, two years ago (to this day), the SarsCov19 virus continues to generate  popular posts that can provoke two reactions: 

∙ Hope 

∙ Alert 

The impact of the constant updates concerning this viral disease has led news outlets to avoid  writing “Breaking News” because it upsets people. 

Now monkeypox is the order of the day, however, it is proven that people are avoiding these types  of posts. What was popular is now no longer popular, for mental health reasons. 


We live in an advertiser’s paradise because, in every publication, there is a gold mine of  opportunities to reach potential customers. 

Using social networks, you can sell everything, all the time, in any format and with any influencer. What for us is a popular post, for them is a universe of possibilities. 

For the same reason, there has been a sea of advertising posts that have become a trend, it’s all  about those that know how to surf the wave of opportunity. Whether is a social or political matter,  everything is a chance to reach. 

Social Uprisings

Currently, social uprisings in favor of human rights, such as me too, feminists, LGBTTQ, etc., are  taking place. have made constant use of social networks to generate collective awareness. With the use of hashtags and renowned personalities, they have achieved very popular posts. 

Would you have imagined that the management of social networks today would have?


In a conclusion, it is interesting to think that a person is one before and after a post. As there are  thousands of possibilities in pixels of colors filling our pupils. 

That a popular post can provoke a social uprising, even an adolescent suicide by comparing himself  with the most recent publication of his favorite influencer, or even a nervous breakdown by a single  Breaking News. 

In the end, we all have the power in our hands, the weight of a click is in every post we support or  comment on. 

The popularity of a post on any social network is up to us. We are involuntarily being part of an  informative and technological era. 

For you, what is the factor that makes a post popular?