Three people have been captured in this association. They have been distinguished as Fayaz Alam (55), Mohammad Ruler (39) and Mohammad Kalim (28). City police sources said that the amount of poppy straw seized was 3,600.7 kilograms, market worth of which is around Rs 30 crore.

On October 14 this year, the STF detectives captured Jharkhand-based individual Nausad Ansari from AJC Bose Street in focal Kolkata with 531 kilograms of poppy straw.

During joining, Ansari conceded he got this task from Jharkhand and should convey something very similar to a distribution center at Gulshan Settlement under Anandapur Police headquarters on the southern edges of Kolkata.

As needs be on late Friday night, the STF detectives struck that specific stockroom and held onto that colossal amount of poppy stray from that point.

City police sources said that the stockroom went about as the principal circulation community for these opiates components to various retailers. The STF detectives question that a crosscountry racket is involved behind this exchange.

— Raymond Orta Document Examiner (@ForensicDocExam) October 22, 2022