Pokemon Sword and Shield introduce Brillant Aura Pokemon to the series. This guide will help players on how to capture these rare Pokemon. Pokemon Sword and Shield’s newest addition, the Wild Area, provide players with a vast landscape of different terrains to explore. From a rocky field littered with Roggenrola’s to snow-covered grass jumbled with Vanillite, the Wild Area provides hundreds of different types of Pokemon to catch. Even fully evolved Pokemon like Gengar and Claydol are available to capture, making it much easier to add these creatures to the players Pokedex. Along with the Wild Area, a new feature called “Brillant Aura Pokemon” has joined the Pokemon series through Pokemon Sword and Shield. This guide will help players locate Brillant Aura Pokemon.

When players are navigating the Wild Area, they may stumble across a Pokemon with a yellow-glowing aura surrounding them. This applies only to Pokemon that appear in the overworld. These spawns are also completely random. If players approach these Pokemon for a battle, in-battle they will look like any other normal Pokemon. There are a few differences in the game that make these Brillant Aura Pokemon unique, and something players would want for their teams. There are three benefits that come along with capturing a Brillant Aura Pokemon.

What’s Special About Brilliant Aura Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield

When capturing Brilliant Aura Pokemon, the Pokemon’s IVs (Individual Values) are guaranteed to have at least 2 to 4 max IVs. IVs are important for competitive Pokemon players since they can help the Pokemon reach their maximum potential in battle. This is an alternative method of getting Pokemon with high IVs rather than breeding for them. Although, if players want a Ditto with high IVs, this is the method of doing so considering Ditto cannot be bred. Another benefit of capturing Brillant Aura Pokemon come with Egg Moves. Egg Moves are moves that are carried over to the baby from one of their parent Pokemon. For example, if players are breeding a Charizard with Flare Blitz, there’s a chance that the Charmander will have Flare Blitz carried over. With Brillant Aura Pokemon, the Pokemon themselves will have the Egg Move already set. Lastly, players will be rewarded additional Watts (the currency used in the Wild Area) for capturing Brillant Aura Pokemon.

How To Catch Brilliant Aura Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield

Brilliant Aura Pokemon appear completely random in the Wild Area. Although, there are methods players can do to increase the likeliness of Brilliant Aura Pokemon to spawn. When searching for a specific Pokemon, if players have captured or battled a certain amount of that Pokemon, the odds of the Pokemon spawning will increase. For example, if players are searching for a Chewtle with Brilliant Aura, battling and capturing Chewtle will increase the odds of it appearing. Capturing or battling 20 of said Pokemon will increase the odds from 1 to 1.3. Capturing or battling 50 will increase the odds from 1.3 to 1.6. Capturing or battling 100 will increase the odds from 1.6 to 2. Doubling the players’ chances will over 100 Pokemon is the maximum they can increase the odds to. Players will not find a Pokemon with Brillant Aura if they never have battled or caught said Pokemon.

Pokemon Sword and Shield’s Brilliant Aura Pokemon is another method of Game Freak providing players with opportunities to improve their Pokemon for competitive play. Along with Brilliant Pokemon, the game introduced mints that allow players to change their Pokemons’ Nature on the fly. Natures influence how a Pokemons’ stats grow in the game as they level up. Previously, natures were completely random unless bred a certain way. Now players can select the nature they desire for their Pokemon. Small quality-of-life improvements to the series have made Pokemon Sword and Shield a welcomed addition to the Pokemon series. As new features are introduced, the games continue to improve its already solid competitive gameplay mechanics.

More: Pokemon Sword & Shield: The Many Evolutions of Milcery Explained

Pokemon Sword and Shield are available now on the Nintendo Switch.