There’s a straightforward way to find the lost sibling, and she’s in a spot you’ve likely frequented several times already. While you can track Wanda down manually, using a new mount Pokemon, we’ve also included a map image of her exact location if you don’t feel like hunting.

If you landed here by accident, the quest is worth completing anyways. Your reward is three valuable Stardusts. 

How to Complete Gone Astray in the Mirelands in Pokemon Legends

Gone Astray in the Mirelands only unlocks after you’ve calmed Calabra’s Ursaluna friend.

Head back to Galaxy HQ in Jubilife Village to report to Commander Kamado as requested, and then leave the building. Go back inside, and you should find Zeke standing outside Cyllene’s office. Speak with him to hear about his lost sister Wanda and to receive a new scent for Ursaluna to follow.

Leave the village, and enter the Crimson Mirelands. It’s faster to start at the regular camp, so don’t bother with the sub-camp this time. Press the “+” button to summon Ursaluna. The blue pulse in front of it gets stronger when you’re headed in the right direction, though if you haven’t tracked Arezu down yet, the signals are easy to mix up. 

Head toward Gapejaw Bog, near the southern edge of the area where the trees grow. You’ll find Wanda lost near the riverbank. Speak with her, then travel back to Galaxy HQ to let Zack know she’s fine. You’ll get your three Stardust and can move on to the next request.

If you’ve purchased the Star Piece recipe from Anvin and collected Shards from space-time distortions, you can turn that Stardust into much more valuable Star Pieces. You’ll need it if you want to keep upgrading your Satchel.

That’s all you need to know about Gone Astray in the Mirelands, but make sure to check out our other Pokemon Legends guides for more tips.