The warranty policy of the Point S company deals with warranty on different types of tires, their maintenance and return and replacement policy. The promise tire maintenance plan of the point S company includes the terms and conditions of the warranty policy. The protection of tires against corrosion, maintenance of the internal and external parts of the tires, repair of a normal tear and many more.


The warranty on tires used in four-wheeler vehicles is almost 4-5 years from the date of purchase. The warranty on Point S tires of different types include the following-

  1. TIRES FOR CARS AND BIKES- These tires are used by the customers or buyers on regular basis. The company provides a warranty on these tires for 25,000 miles for four years. It means that the Point S company gives free exchange and replacement on tires before 25,000 miles within four years.

  2. ALL-SEASON TIRES- The all-weather tires are capable of working in harsh and extreme weather conditions like terrains, mountainous regions, snow or sand. These are special tires designed to provide high mileage and effective performance in all conditions. The reasonable time for the warranty on all-weather tires is two years.

  3. WARRANTY ON SUMMER TIRES– The summer tires are specially designed to work in harsh and hot weather. The upper surface of the tire which is in direct contact with the road is designed to work effectively at the temperature of 50-60°. The warranty of summer tires given by the company is of three summer seasons.

  4. WARRANTY ON WINTER TIRES– The winter tires are designed to work in heavy snow and extremely cold weather. The upper surface of the tire which is in direct contact with the surface is designed to work effectively in temperatures of -20 to -25 degrees. The warranty of winter tires given by the Point S company is of three winter seasons. The surface of the winter tire is much thicker than any other tire.

  5. WARRANTY ON MATERIAL OF TIRES- The variety of materials used in making a single tire includes nylon, steel or iron, natural or synthetic rubber, petroleum, polyester and many more. Among these, the internal part of the tire is made of iron or steel, based on the requirements. The warranty of these parts is more than five years. This part is safe from any internal damage, although, it may be harmed by an external force. The company do not provide any protection in such situations.


  1. OFF-ROAD TIRES– These tires are best suited for the mountainous region of off-road tracking. These are heavy and big. The general warranty of these tires is two years. If the tire has gone through damage before the mentioned time then the company offers free replacement and repair on these tires.

  2. RACING SLICK TIRES- These are manufactured of extremely smooth and fine roads for the speedy and Swift moment of the vehicle. It is high on friction. The warranty on racing slick tires given by the Point S company is ten months.

  3. SPARE TIRE– these are commonly used in urban areas. It is a commonly used highway tire and normally used in cars, jeeps etc. The warranty of these tires is eight years.


POINTS is a leading manufacturer in the USA, Canada and Europe. These tires are capable of carrying weight and lasts longer than any other company. The Point S company makes all-weather tires for terrain and plains. Moreover, the summer and winter tires are manufactured by the company to work in extreme temperatures and harsh environmental conditions. Other than the weather tires, different types of tires manufactured by the company include airless tires, WHITEWALL tires, tubeless tires, snow tires, tubular tires and many more. The warranty periods of all these tires are more than any other tire manufacturing company. Moreover, the company has the most trusted tires company in America.