While surveying the undertaking during a visit to Ujjain, the central pastor said: “The primary period of aggressive venture of Ujjain Mahakal Passage is approaching finishing. Top state leader Modi will visit Ujjain to offer petition at the sanctuary and to introduce the task on October 11.”


The task – Ujjain Mahakal Hallway – has been isolated into a two stages where the sanctuary complex will be extended almost multiple times its current size from 2.82 hectares to 20.23 hectares by August 2023.

Work under the primary stage incorporates 900-meter long hall loaded up with scores of establishments, an amusement park, a legacy shopping center, E-transport offices, among others.

In the subsequent stage, the public authority has wanted to change Maharajwada school Bhavan to a legacy Dharamshala, as well as connecting of Rudra Sagar and Shipra waterway, beautification of the front lake region, development of staggered leaving with a space to fit 350 vehicles, a rail route underpass and the improvement of a 210-meter engineered overpass over Rudra Sagar, among others would be embraced.

Also, a unique light show will be given a spot close to the notorious Smash Ghat. According to the state government, the work will be finished by 2028.

Outstandingly, the BJP-drove Madhya Pradesh government, prior in January this year, had supported an underlying asset of Rs 500 crore for the improvement of the hallway.

Promoted to change into India’s most mechanically progressed strict site, the public authority has wanted to extend the Ujjain Mahakal Sanctuary Passage.

The fantastic venture is being created under the MP government’s bigger arrangement to change Ujjain into a ‘Savvy City’.

— Ajitweekly (@Ajitweekly1) September 19, 2022

On December 12, State head Narendra Modi had introduced his fantasy project – the Kashi Vishwanath Passage – at his parliamentary voting public Varanasi. Conceptualized by the State leader himself, the passageway situated close the notorious Dashashwamedh Ghat, looked to clear the pathway to the old sanctuary by eliminating properties obstructing the hall in a suit free way, while safeguarding existing legacy locales.