Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds is a deeply complex and realistic take on the battle royale genre. Providing realistic shooting mechanics on top of a vast assortment of techniques that challenge a player’s technical skill. PUBG is as rewarding as it can be brutal, the ability to continually expand the skill gap between a new player and a master is rooted in both game knowledge and practice.

To truly become an advanced player in PUBG it is imperative that you already know the barebone basics of the game. Without the foundation there is no room for a house to be built, so be sure to brush up on any beginner concepts you may be lacking in. Once a player’s fundamentals are accounted for there is room to learn and master some advanced tips and concepts. This guide will provide some of these advanced tips and tricks to set players on the road to mastery.

Weapon Loadout in Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds

One of the key principles that can be forgotten is the crucial reality that a bad weapon loadout can spell death for a player. Having two sniper rifles or a pistol and a shotgun or any variety of un-optimized gear can cause unnecessary death and loss during a match of PUBG. The only exception to this rule is during early match scrambles for gear and weaponry. At this point during a match, survival is the main focus but keeping an eye out for ideal weapons, ammo types, scopes, or vehicles is essential for match success.

The first items a player should find are weapons. Guns, grenades, and melee weapons are what win or lose a game of PUBG. So understanding a basic loadout philosophy will insure at least minor success in common combat scenarios. It is important a player finds a close quarter weapon and a long-range to mid-range weapon. Close quarter weapons should be rapid fire and high damage items. No matter how good a player is during an intense firefight, having a weapon that fires a large number of rounds can seal an easy kill. Close range weapons should have the ability to fire off a large number of bullets and cover a close but far spread within a small amount of time. Weapons that fill this role are shotguns, SMGs or automatic assault rifles. Making sure you have an adequate long-range weapon is by far the most important facet of winning a game of PUBG. Unlike other battle royale shooters most of PUBG’s battle encounters occur in a mid to long-range distance, so be sure to utilize the powerful single fire function on many assault rifles and the coveted sniper rifles in the game.

On top of having powerful weaponry, understanding which sites to use is another important concept to comprehend. Ideally, your long-range weapon would have one of the many long-range oriented scopes in the game. Likewise, your close-ranged weapon should have a red dot sight or a holographic sight in order to improve accuracy in tight firefights. But with the wide array of sites, how does one decide which sites are their ideal and optimal choices? That decision must be made by the player. There exists a wide range of preferences in PUBG so practice is essential to discover and become comfortable with all the different sites found in a map.

Making Use of the Crouch-Jump Boost in Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds

Crouch-Jumping is an advanced maneuver that allows players to maneuver through tight spaces rapidly and smoothly. This is performed by jumping into or onto windows or fences and then crouching in order to avoid the vaulting animation, to quickly get through the given space.

This technique is one that can be the difference in winning or losing engagement in PUBG. Having the ability to quickly escape a room or pursue an enemy through windows is an excellent ace up any player’s sleeve. It may sound like a small and useless ability but it can be the difference between living or dying in a heated firefight.

Keep in mind that this technique is not as easy as it sounds. It will require some training and practice to truly get the rhythm down. But once its mastered, your mobility will increase tenfold.

Using the Vehicle Dismount Trick in Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds

This technique is a bit tricky and will require a slight dissection to understand. The vehicle dismount trick is one that allows players to escape a car or bike at max speed without taking any damage for leaving the car. This requires tight control over the given vehicle and any mistakes will spell death for that player. Essentially, this trick is just jumping out of a car while driving close to a stationary object. By dismounting right as you pass that object it will take the impact for you and not dish any fall damage. So by driving close to a tree, a player can dismount, while their vehicle continues moving at max speed and not die because of it.

The utility behind this maneuver is extremely practical and can be an excellent feather in a player’s cap. This technique can allow for quick vehicular dismounts from otherwise lethal situations or it can be an extremely potent diversion tactic. Either way, this is a maneuver that should be practiced and implemented into any aspiring player’s repertoire.

Closing Doors in Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds

It may sound silly but it is an important concept to use that is ignored by a majority of players. Shutting doors in PUBG is a versatile and important concept for surviving and winning matches.

It not only masks your presence in or through a building but it can also serve as a powerful warning sign for incoming players. Shutting doors creates the facade that the room has yet to be looted. It can mask your presence in a building or simply waste an enemy player’s time. It also provides a distinct auditory cue that an enemy player is inbound. Allowing for proper setup and the upper hand in combat engagements.

This concept is one that is unnecessarily neglected in the PUBG community and can be used to take out enemies while also masking your trail through the vast maps of the game.

All the given tips will transform an aspiring novice to an elite level player in PUBG. Without practice though, they are simply obsolete tips. So be sure to practice and master these tips and you will be on the path to elite level play before long.

More: PUBG Adds Lightweight Planes to the Battlegrounds

Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.