The gritty realistic battle royale shooter Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds is a brutal and difficult game to thrive in for a new player. Unlike its other battle royale contemporaries, PUBG requires a more methodical and different assortment of player skills. To survive a round of PUBG, a player must make a minimum number of mistakes and be extremely careful in their approach and strategy.

For a new player to survive the intense online matches of PUBG a reevaluation of their strategy and skills are required. To truly succeed in the realistically brutal world of PUBG, a player must re-imagine what it means to play a battle royale shooter. This guide will provide some tips to accomplish this goal to develop a solid survivor inside the realm of a PUBG online match.

Learning How to Play Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds

The first step to mastering PUBG is to learn what makes the game tick. This does not mean studying what battle royale is all about. But rather it means learning the inner workings of gunplay, healing mechanics, how to operate vehicles, which gear to get, and what sites you are comfortable using.

The best way to learn these lessons is to head to the training mode of PUBG. This mode will allow new players a space to become familiar with the workings of the game. Here it is recommended that players practice with each weapon and gain a feel for how they operate and their strengths and weaknesses.

One of the ways to discover these weapon weaknesses is to pick up each weapon in training mode and battle against the dummies inside of training mode. This will show newer players how to utilize the different fire rates of PUBG the extreme presence of recoil and the high damage of a firefight within a match.

Gaining a sense of how vehicles work and how to properly use medical items is another essential lesson to learn. Vehicles will be a major player in winning or surviving a game of PUBG and becoming intimate with each vehicle can lay the foundation for a successful career. Without learning how to use medical items a player as no chance to even survive an online round. Learn the properties of each item and their respective mechanics and you will be one step closer to PUBG mastery.

The training mode is an excellent beginning to developing knowledge of the mechanics of the game. It is not, however, the only thing a new player must do to learn how to survive. The next step in survival is to learn basic PUBG strategy.

Dropping in to Less Populated Locations in Playerunknown’s Battleground

Unless you are a top tier player in shooting games, dropping further away from “hot” areas is probably the safest course of action for survival. This will allow a player to find strong or average gear and weapons without the threat of an enemy player’s pressure. There is one main technique that can keep players away from the hot zones of PUBG.

The most important idea to keep in mind when deciding where to drop lies in the path of the plane. The majority of players will land somewhere relatively close to the plane’s trajectory, so to avoid hot zones a player must stray as far away from the plane as possible. This can be done by not pulling your parachute and aiming your camera up, immediately after dropping.  This will allow your character to glide towards whichever direction you are facing.

When a safe distance from any of the popular landmarks or the plane’s path players will find a low populated, if not empty, landmark to loot at their leisure. This can allow players to collect a powerful arsenal of weapons and gear and steer them on the right path of survival.

Shooting in Playerunknown’s Battleground

PUBG is one of the few popular shooters that has a complex and somewhat realistic shooting system. It has intense and sometimes debilitating recoil and a variety of sites hidden in the map. This realism coupled with the high damage taken when shot can make combat engagement incredibly short and difficult to win. To succeed in PUBG a player must learn how to shoot.

There are generally two different fire rates in PUBG, there is the option of single-shot or rapid-fire. Most assault rifles and submachine guns have the option of single or rapid-fire, but each fire rate has its own utility and purpose.

The single-shot rate of fire is the go-to fire rate when engaging in long to mid-range firefights. This allows a player to maintain accuracy and not succumb to the brutal recoil on most weapons. Using a single-shot and a mid to long-range scope can turn any assault rifle into a powerful sniper rifle. The use of single-shot can be the difference in a firefight when used effectively and accurately.

Rapid-fire, or full auto, is typically used exclusively in close-quarter combat. Due to the intense recoil of PUBG keeping your weapon in full auto is both a waste of bullets and an impossible to control. However, when used in close range fights, full auto can quickly dispatch of an enemy even with minimal accuracy. “Spraying and praying” in a match of PUBG can be a valid strategy, but only in high-risk close range engagements, otherwise it is a inefficient use of ammo.

Utilizing Vehicles in Playerunknown’s Battleground

One of the most important tools in PUBG are the variety of vehicles spread throughout the map. A player utilizing a vehicle successfully provides an unparalleled tool for mobility. This can make even the longest treks towards the circular a trivial and relatively safe journey.

Another strategy that can help newer players to survive is using the vehicles to set up base in the center of the circular arena. Using the rapid pace of the vehicles can allow you time to set up a powerful stronghold against enemy players. Not only does it allow for a strong base to defend it can skip the tedious and life-threatening task of chasing the circle and its path.

Utilizing these tips when engaging in a round of Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds can allow for both success and survival. As new players become more comfortable survival will become second nature and mastery will be within reach.

More: PUBG Adds Lightweight Planes to the Battlegrounds

Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.