Lands End

Take your Monday—or anyday—woes to the end of the cliff and, metaphorically speaking, toss them aside. The softer sands by the Lands End Labyrinth offer the ideal bit of terra firma to sprawl out atop of and, as Paltrow said, “Earthing.” (No, burying your feet in soil and sand won’t cure your insomnia, no matter what Gweny says—but time spent outside is invaluable, nevertheless.)

Bernal Heights Park

Also home to a meditation labyrinth, Bernal Heights Park makes for a easy incline hike that goes around and around in a circle. Perfect for those who need to get their minds off the world and onto a hamster wheel of a climb. Once you read the top, gorgeous views of San Francisco can be scene in total 360. I.e: The perfect stress reliever.

Hawk Hill

As the saying goes: get the ‘ef out of Dodge and head for the hills to find peace. (Orwell, something like that.) Hawk Hill, situated atop the already vertically inclined Marin HEadlands, has endless amounts of flattened-out patches of level hillside to lay a yoga mat out on and center yourself again. (Also, be sure to snag a killer IG after the fact.)

Palace of Fine Arts

Underneath the old-world monolithic and Corinthian pillars, solace can be found. Granted, midday on weekends might be a bit more crowded than one would care for, but, during the work week, expect a more inviting, less-crowded atmosphere.

// Feature photo via The Weekend Sherpa.

Places to Meditate and Get Out Of Your Head in San Francisco - 2Places to Meditate and Get Out Of Your Head in San Francisco - 76Places to Meditate and Get Out Of Your Head in San Francisco - 90Places to Meditate and Get Out Of Your Head in San Francisco - 48Places to Meditate and Get Out Of Your Head in San Francisco - 60Places to Meditate and Get Out Of Your Head in San Francisco - 73Places to Meditate and Get Out Of Your Head in San Francisco - 3Places to Meditate and Get Out Of Your Head in San Francisco - 81