Pfizer has generated $81.3 billion in revenue and become one of the best-selling drugs. Pfizer has created some of the best and most popular products including Mannitol, Accupril, Flagyl and Medrol, and more. 

Great Competitors Of Pfizer

Here are some other best, largest, and most popular companies that are great competitors of Pfizer. GSK, Novartis AG, Johnson and Johnson, ABBvie Inc, Takeda Pharmaceutical. 


GSK is another competitor of Pfizer that was established in 2000 with headquarters in Brentford, UK. GSK was previously named Glaxo Wellcome but after some time GSK company was renamed GlaxoSmithKline. GSK is popularly known for its production of lifesaving drugs, medications, and therapies. The most common product that GSK made includes Malaria Vaccine, Amoxicillin, zidovudine, and pyrimethamine. GSK has made total revenue of $44 billion and becomes the tenth-largest pharmaceutical company worldwide.  

Johnson and Johnson

Johnson and Johnson’s company was founded in 1886 with headquarters in New Jersey, USA. This company is Worlds renowned largest pharmaceutical Company that has made multiple lifesaving drugs and therapies for different health conditions. Some of these drugs include Erleada used for prostate cancer and Darzalex used for multiple myeloma. In 2021, the company also made the Covid 19 vaccine in a single shot. Total revenue made by the company is $93.77 billion and it is considered one of its biggest competitors of Pfizer.

Novartis AG

Novartis is one of the largest healthcare and pharmaceutical company that is located in Switzerland. Their medicines are mostly made for some major healthcare areas including oncology, and immunology. Hepatology, cardiology, ophthalmology, dermatology, neuroscience, and more. Their products are mostly divided into categories: Sandoz made pharmaceutical and biosimilar and innovative medicine that made patent-protected, prescribed medicines. Novartis has created some popular brands that include Volterin, Lamisil, Exjade, and more. Novartis has generated $51.6 billion in 2021 and become one of the biggest competitors of Pfizer. 

Eli Lilly and Co. (LLY).

Eli Lilly Company was established in 1876 with headquarters in Indianapolis, USA. Eli Lilly and Co. is one of the competitors of Pfizer that runs in about 18 countries and sells its medications and vaccines in 120 countries worldwide. Eli Lilly Company is most popularly known because of manufacturing Polio vaccines. It also made various products that include medications, vaccines, therapies, and lifesaving drugs. These medication and vaccine products are used in various healthcare fields like diabetes, immunology, cancer, and more. The total revenue made by Eli Lilly Company is $28.32 billion per year and become a great competitor of Pfizer.

Merck and Co. Inc. (MRK).

Merck and company were created in 1891 with headquarters in New York, USA. Merck Company was first created by a German company but after some time, it was started in the US and not only in the US but in some other countries also like Canada, and more. Merck Company makes various products that include medication, vaccines, life-saving drugs, and animal therapy drugs. Merck Company is popularly known because of its cancer treatment products and other products that make them a great competitor of Pfizer Company. These products include Pembrolizumab for cancer immunotherapy, anti-diabetic medications for type 2 diabetes, HPV vaccine, Varicella vaccine for chickenpox, antiretroviral drugs for HIV/AIDS treatment, Golimumab drug (immunosuppressive drugs), and more. Merck Company had made total revenue of $48.7 per year and become the largest competitor of Pfizer.   

Bristol-Myers Squibb

Bristol- Myers Squibb was created in 1887 with headquarters in New York, USA. The company is popularly known because of innovative cancer treatment drugs. It is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies that have 32,000 plus employees and mostly made medications, lifesaving drugs, and therapeutic drugs for different conditions like Hepatitis, HIV, diabetes, psychiatric drugs, and arthritis. The company had made total revenue of $46 billion per year and was also the biggest competitor of Pfizer.

Takeda Pharmaceutical

Takeda Company was created in 1781 with headquarters in Osaka, Japan. The company was started by making traditional herbal medication and after sometimes it also started manufacturing biopharmaceutical products and therapies. Now the company becomes Asia’s largest company with its medications used for inflammatory disorders, metabolic disorders, neurology, and more. The company is one of the best competitors of Pfizer with a total revenue is $9.3 billion per year.

AbbVie Inc.

Abbvie is another competitor of Pfizer with headquarters in Chicago. The company mostly deals in manufacturing, research, innovative medications, and therapy. Their products are used in different healthcare sectors including oncology, neuroscience, immunology, aesthetics, women’s health, and more. Abbvie has made some top-selling drugs that including Humira which is used for multiple autoimmune Psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and more. The company also made Hepatitis C virus drugs that have made total revenue of $1.8 billion. The Company’s total revenue is $11.4 billion per year and become a great competitor of Pfizer. 


Pfizer is one the largest company that made medications, lifesaving drugs, and therapies. As one of the largest companies, it also has the largest competitors. Above are all the great competitors of Pfizer and have the biggest contribution to the healthcare sector. Without any doubt, these companies will grow very fast in the future.

What are the most popular products made by Pfizer?

Pfizer has many popular drugs some of them are Advil, Viagra, Xanax, Bextra, Diflucan, Celebrex, and Lyrica. Recently in December 2020, Pfizer made Covid 19 vaccine which was approved by FDA for emergency use authorization. Pfizer also mass produces penicillin and vitamin C.

Which one is the biggest company in the US?

Johnson and Johnson is the biggest pharmaceutical company in the US according to the latest revenue of 2021. The company’s total revenue is about 81 billion US dollars which is the biggest revenue ever and it also beats Pfizer Company.